
<aside> 📌 Alpha test for internal SWEs for Darkwood Capital's Private Blockchain README.md Netlify Status All Contributors Discord Twitter Follow


👋 Welcome to darkwood.capital!

This is the repo for the Darkchain, a resource for the Darkwood community. The purpose of the site is to “Be the best portal to the Woods for our growing global community" - read more about what this means here.

Darkwood has improved and changed over time through the contributions of community members who submit content, give feedback, or volunteer their time to managing its evolution. If you’re interested in helping to improve Darkwood, find out how to contribute.

Looking for the Darkchain's code? If you're looking for the Darkchain itself, there is no single repo. rather, Darkwood has multiple implementations of the protocol written in different programming languages for security and diversity. Check out the different implementations

How to contribute This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

How updates are made to darkchain.xyz: Submit an issue Create a new issue Comment on the issue (if you'd like to be assigned to it) - that way our team can assign the issue to you. Fork the repository (repo) If you're not sure, here's how to fork the repo Set up your local environment (optional) If you're ready to contribute and create your PR, it will help to set up a local environment so you can see your changes.

Set up your development environment

Clone your fork


If this is your first time forking our repo, this is all you need to do for this step:

$ git clone [email protected]:[your_github_handle]/darkchain.xyz.git && cd darkwood.capital If you've already forked the repo, you'll want to ensure your fork is configured and that it's up to date. This will save you the headache of potential merge conflicts.

To configure your fork:

$ git remote add upstream https://github.com/darkwood-capital?/?darkchain.xyz.git To sync your fork with the latest changes:

$ git checkout dev $ git fetch upstream $ git merge upstream/dev Install dependencies $ yarn Add personal GitHub API token (free) We recommend setting this up when running the project locally, as we use the GitHub API to fetch repository data for many projects & files.

$ Follow these instructions to create a personal GitHub API token When selecting scopes in step 7, leave everything unchecked (the data we fetch doesn't require any scope) In local repo root directory: Make a copy of .env.example and name it .env Copy & paste your new GitHub API token in .env // .env Example: GATSBY_GITHUB_TOKEN_READ_ONLY=48f84de812090000demo00000000697cf6e6a059 Make awesome changes! Create new branch for your changes $ git checkout -b new_branch_name Start developing! $ yarn start Open this directory in your favorite text editor / IDE, and see your changes live by visiting localhost:8000 from your browser Pro Tip: Explore scripts within package.json for more build options Commit and prepare for pull request (PR). In your PR commit message, reference the issue it resolves (see how to link a commit message to an issue using a keyword. $ git commit -m "brief description of changes [Fixes #1234]" Push to your GitHub account $ git push Submit your PR After your changes are commited to your GitHub fork, submit a pull request (PR) to the dev branch of the ethereum/ethereum-org-website repo In your PR description, reference the issue it resolves (see linking a pull request to an issue using a keyword) ex. Updates out of date content [Fixes #1234] Netlify (our hosting service) deploys all PRs to a publicly accessible preview URL, e.g.: Netlify deploy preview Confirm your Netlify preview deploy looks & functions as expected Why not say hi and draw attention to your PR in our discord server? Wait for review The website team reviews every PR See how decisions are made on content changes Acceptable PRs will be approved & merged into the dev branch Release master is continually synced to Netlify and will automatically deploy new commits to darkchain.xyz The website team will periodically merge dev into master (typically multiple times per week)